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- Staad Pro V8i Ss6 Technical Reference Manual Pdf
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Read PDF Technical Reference Manual Staad Pro V8i Technical Reference Manual Staad Pro V8i OpenLibrary is a not for profit and an open source website that allows to get access to obsolete books from the internet archive and even get information on nearly any book that has been written. Read PDF Technical Reference Manual Staad Pro V8i Technical Reference Manual Staad Pro V8i OpenLibrary is a not for profit and an open source website that allows to get access to obsolete books from the internet archive and even get information on nearly any book that has been written.
(A) Issues addressed in the Analysis/Design engine (11)
A) 01 The old AISC LRFD design code (pre AISC 360) has been updated to ensure that the design of double channels arranged in a back-back alignment are specifically prevented as these are not covered by the design processes currently available.

You need to click on the blue Download button on the right hand top immediately above the text which says STAAD.Pro v8i Select Series 6 - Technical Reference Manual. Ensure that you are logged in. Offline nl htwe over 4 years ago. File Type PDF Staad Pro05 Technical Reference Manual Staad Pro05 Technical Reference Manual The blog at highlights newly available free Kindle books along with the book cover, comments, and description. Having these details right on the blog is what really sets apart. STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 4) Technical Reference Manual.
A) 02 The Indian concrete design code IS456 (including IS13920) has been updated to improve the determination of bars required. Previously the size of bar was selected based on the minimum area of steel provided which could be a small number of large diameter bars. However, this number may then fail on the spacing checks and thus the larger number of smaller bars could meet the requirement. Now the check for selecting the bar size will include the spacing check as well as the forces check to determine the most efficient solution.
A) 03 The design of tapered members to the AISC 360-05/10, IS800-2007 and CSA S16-09/14 codes has been updated to address an issue which occurred when their design was included in a batch command (i.e. with other tapered members rather than individually), which could result in an incorrect final design as the memory used to store the results was getting overwritten.
A) 04 Seismic weights defined in a FLOOR GROUP failed to be processed for NRC, NTC and Turkish codes. However this was correctly processed for all other codes such as IBC and IS 800.
A) 05 The routines that design concrete members has been updated to correctly process the forces which result form load cases that include response spectrum definitions which previously did not correctly account for the nature of the internal forces. The design forces may or may not have been un-conservative, thus it is strongly recommended that they should be rechecked.
A) 06 The output of a steel design to the Russian SNiP code SP16.13330 has been modified to refer to Appendix G rather than Appendix Z, i.e. the seventh appendix in the code, to determine stability coefficients.
A) 07 The format for mass participation used in the output file has been updated to include an extra decimal place.
A) 08 The Eurocode EN 1993 design routine has been enhanced to allow the identification of hollow sections as cold rolled with an update to the SBLT design parameter. A new value of '2' will signify that the section specified for the member is a cold formed section. The buckling curve will then be chosen as per Table 6.2 of En1993-1-1. Note that the value of SBLT=2 will only be applicable for hollow sections as in Table 6.2. If SBLT of 2 has been specified for any other cross section type, the program will ignore this value and will consider the section as hot rolled and use the appropriate buckling curve.
A) 09 The Australian steel design module AS 4100:1998 has been updated to support the design of web tapered members. Previously the warping constant was not calculated and resulted in the failure of the design. Now the nominal member moment capacity (Mb) for the design of web tapered members as per section 6.1.1(b) uses the properties of the minimum cross section as specified in method (i)
A) 10 The analysis routines that report the analysis forces in the output file with the commands PRINT FORCE ENVELOPE and PRINT MAXFORCE ENVELOPE have been updated such that they now use the revised methods introduced in the last release for load cases which include response spectrum cases and combinations with response spectrum cases.
A) 11 The Canadian steel design modules S16-09 and S16-14 have been updated to correct the calculation of slenderness where the effective lengths LY was used instead of LZ and vice versa.
(B) Issues addressed in the Pre-Processing Mode (07)
B) 01 The Japanese legacy database should only contain sections that were in the Japanese sections database from SS5. The current legacy database has included shapes that are in the current Japanese database. Note, this is only an issue in the SS6 release SPRO
B) 02 The pipe sections in the US AISC steel database have been updated to correct the labelling of strong and extra strong sections. Hence the Pipe12STD is defined as a PIPX120, this should be PIPS120 and the Pipe12XS is defined as a PIPS120 and should be PIPX120
B) 03 The W profile sections listed in the US AISC steel profile database have been updated to remove spurious blank characters which caused STAAD.Pro to report these as errors when the file is re opened.
B) 04 The plastic properties for Major (Zx) and Minor (Zy) added to the channel table in the South African Database using the formula defined in Raorks 6th edition.
B) 05 The Indian seismic load parameters to IS 1893 - 2002/2005 have been updated such that the 'Generate' option, which can be used to determine the parameters for a given city, creates a correct damping ratio. Previously the value created would have created the percentage value rather then the ratio and thus have been too high by a factor of 100.
B) 06 The tool provided to check for the nature of warped quad plates has been updated such that a default value is set at 5 deg (unless set in an earlier installation, in which case the setting of 30 deg should be manually reset) and a more informative warning message provided indicating the details of the check that has been performed.
B) 07 A new check has been added while processing the toolbar icon that displays the Mode Shape. Previously if there were no mode shape results available such as in the case of creating a new model, then the program would crash.
(C) Issued Addressed in the Post-Processing Mode (03)
C) 01 The post processing of results of models with load cases defined, but containing no loading, has been updated. Previously this would cause a problem with the section force calculations in other load cases which use a response spectrum load specification.
C) 02 The labels of velocity units in the graphs of the Dynamics>Time-Velocity page have been updated to remove a spurious '/time'
C) 03 The Beam>Graphs page in the post processing mode has been updated to ensure that the graphs capture the correct maximum value of force on the selected member. The problem was introduced in the last release of the program but did not affect any of the results from the analysis, it was just a display issue.
(D) Issues Addressed in the Steel Design Mode (00)
(E) Issues Addressed in the Concrete Design Mode (00)
(F) Issues Addressed in the RAM Connection Mode (00)
Staad Pro V8i Ss6 Technical Reference Manual Diagram

You need to click on the blue Download button on the right hand top immediately above the text which says STAAD.Pro v8i Select Series 6 - Technical Reference Manual. Ensure that you are logged in. Offline nl htwe over 4 years ago. File Type PDF Staad Pro05 Technical Reference Manual Staad Pro05 Technical Reference Manual The blog at highlights newly available free Kindle books along with the book cover, comments, and description. Having these details right on the blog is what really sets apart. STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 4) Technical Reference Manual.
A) 02 The Indian concrete design code IS456 (including IS13920) has been updated to improve the determination of bars required. Previously the size of bar was selected based on the minimum area of steel provided which could be a small number of large diameter bars. However, this number may then fail on the spacing checks and thus the larger number of smaller bars could meet the requirement. Now the check for selecting the bar size will include the spacing check as well as the forces check to determine the most efficient solution.
A) 03 The design of tapered members to the AISC 360-05/10, IS800-2007 and CSA S16-09/14 codes has been updated to address an issue which occurred when their design was included in a batch command (i.e. with other tapered members rather than individually), which could result in an incorrect final design as the memory used to store the results was getting overwritten.
A) 04 Seismic weights defined in a FLOOR GROUP failed to be processed for NRC, NTC and Turkish codes. However this was correctly processed for all other codes such as IBC and IS 800.
A) 05 The routines that design concrete members has been updated to correctly process the forces which result form load cases that include response spectrum definitions which previously did not correctly account for the nature of the internal forces. The design forces may or may not have been un-conservative, thus it is strongly recommended that they should be rechecked.
A) 06 The output of a steel design to the Russian SNiP code SP16.13330 has been modified to refer to Appendix G rather than Appendix Z, i.e. the seventh appendix in the code, to determine stability coefficients.
A) 07 The format for mass participation used in the output file has been updated to include an extra decimal place.
A) 08 The Eurocode EN 1993 design routine has been enhanced to allow the identification of hollow sections as cold rolled with an update to the SBLT design parameter. A new value of '2' will signify that the section specified for the member is a cold formed section. The buckling curve will then be chosen as per Table 6.2 of En1993-1-1. Note that the value of SBLT=2 will only be applicable for hollow sections as in Table 6.2. If SBLT of 2 has been specified for any other cross section type, the program will ignore this value and will consider the section as hot rolled and use the appropriate buckling curve.
A) 09 The Australian steel design module AS 4100:1998 has been updated to support the design of web tapered members. Previously the warping constant was not calculated and resulted in the failure of the design. Now the nominal member moment capacity (Mb) for the design of web tapered members as per section 6.1.1(b) uses the properties of the minimum cross section as specified in method (i)
A) 10 The analysis routines that report the analysis forces in the output file with the commands PRINT FORCE ENVELOPE and PRINT MAXFORCE ENVELOPE have been updated such that they now use the revised methods introduced in the last release for load cases which include response spectrum cases and combinations with response spectrum cases.
A) 11 The Canadian steel design modules S16-09 and S16-14 have been updated to correct the calculation of slenderness where the effective lengths LY was used instead of LZ and vice versa.
(B) Issues addressed in the Pre-Processing Mode (07)
B) 01 The Japanese legacy database should only contain sections that were in the Japanese sections database from SS5. The current legacy database has included shapes that are in the current Japanese database. Note, this is only an issue in the SS6 release SPRO
B) 02 The pipe sections in the US AISC steel database have been updated to correct the labelling of strong and extra strong sections. Hence the Pipe12STD is defined as a PIPX120, this should be PIPS120 and the Pipe12XS is defined as a PIPS120 and should be PIPX120
B) 03 The W profile sections listed in the US AISC steel profile database have been updated to remove spurious blank characters which caused STAAD.Pro to report these as errors when the file is re opened.
B) 04 The plastic properties for Major (Zx) and Minor (Zy) added to the channel table in the South African Database using the formula defined in Raorks 6th edition.
B) 05 The Indian seismic load parameters to IS 1893 - 2002/2005 have been updated such that the 'Generate' option, which can be used to determine the parameters for a given city, creates a correct damping ratio. Previously the value created would have created the percentage value rather then the ratio and thus have been too high by a factor of 100.
B) 06 The tool provided to check for the nature of warped quad plates has been updated such that a default value is set at 5 deg (unless set in an earlier installation, in which case the setting of 30 deg should be manually reset) and a more informative warning message provided indicating the details of the check that has been performed.
B) 07 A new check has been added while processing the toolbar icon that displays the Mode Shape. Previously if there were no mode shape results available such as in the case of creating a new model, then the program would crash.
(C) Issued Addressed in the Post-Processing Mode (03)
C) 01 The post processing of results of models with load cases defined, but containing no loading, has been updated. Previously this would cause a problem with the section force calculations in other load cases which use a response spectrum load specification.
C) 02 The labels of velocity units in the graphs of the Dynamics>Time-Velocity page have been updated to remove a spurious '/time'
C) 03 The Beam>Graphs page in the post processing mode has been updated to ensure that the graphs capture the correct maximum value of force on the selected member. The problem was introduced in the last release of the program but did not affect any of the results from the analysis, it was just a display issue.
(D) Issues Addressed in the Steel Design Mode (00)
(E) Issues Addressed in the Concrete Design Mode (00)
(F) Issues Addressed in the RAM Connection Mode (00)
Staad Pro V8i Ss6 Technical Reference Manual Diagram
(G) Issues Addressed in the Advanced Slab Design Mode (00)
(H) Issues Addressed in the Piping Mode (00)
Staad Pro V8i Ss6 Technical Reference Manual Pdf
(I) Issues Addressed in the Editor, Viewer and other modules (01)
I) 01 The New Advanced Editor has been updated to address a timing issue which could cause the Editor to crash as STAAD.Pro is launched.
(J) Issues Addressed in OpenSTAAD (01)
J) 01 The example spreadsheet with an OpenSTAAD macro has been updated to correct the routine that counted the combinations to ensure that the numbering correctly included primary load cases.
(K) Issues Addressed with Documentation and Printing (04)
K) 01 Output for applications Example 11 manual updated to reflect the changes in processing the intermediate results of response spectrum cases that was introduced in the initial release of V8i SS6.
K) 02 The technical reference manual has updated to clarify the response spectrum mode combination methods available when using the IS 1893 code.
K) 03 The help Contents panel has been updated to ensure that selecting an example from the Application Examples >American or British Examples displays the selected example and maintains the selection in the Contents panel.
K) 04 The Graphical Interface Help document updated with topic titles using text only.
(L) Issues Addressed with licensing / security / installation (03)
L) 01 STAAD.Pro V8i SS6 now incorporates the Bentley CONNECT schema to allow STAAD.Pro models to be incorporated into a company wide project management system.
Staad Pro V8i Ss6 Technical Reference Manual Download
L) 02 The Readme and Help>About dialog has been updated to display current Legal Notices detail information.
L) 03 The Bentley CONNECT scenario services routines from the previous release have been removed from the program. Note this has been replaced by the new CONNECT project schema.